Welcome to the Lizard page |
Our Lizard is a Crotaphytus Collaris in Latin. In Danish he is called a "Halsbåndsleguan", due to his 2 bands on his neck. Why did we get the idea to get a Lizard? The first thing is that we thought that it was an exiting and interesting animal. Which also happened to be true. We went to a pet shop and saw how they were acting and find out that they were interested/obliging in people and were quite calm, but active at the same time. They have a temperament that suited our kids and us very well. Since we have got him we have had a lot of good experiences with our kids when we are collecting bugs and insects in the nature. They are really interested in the nature that surrounds them. To collect the bugs gives us a active way of discover the nature and the animals that lives there. An other reason is that they do not have a fur that can give any of us asthma. An other good thing is that you do not have to take it for a walk a 11 at night, in cold rain. He goes to sleep already at 5:30.
We are breeding grasshoppers (Locusta Migratoria) with big success. That gives us a way to get food for the winter. (For the Lizard that is :0)) At one point we had more then 200 grasshoppers. Some so small that they could get out of the aquarium, and was walking around in the room. It is great experience and fun to breed grasshoppers your selves. It is great learning experience for the kids as well.
Pictures of some grasshoppers eating. None of them are breeding by us, they are all brought. The two species are Locusta Migratoria and schistocerca gregaria
I am sorry that this section is not updated more often!
Some main dates and remarks |
26/9-2003 |
I have bought some rosenbillelarver (Pachnopa sp in Latin), and I have seen the female eating one. They are thick and a little difficult for the Lizards to handle. These larva do not like light at all, so when they are set in the terrarium they dig them selves into the sand right away. They shall therefore eating by the lizards right after the are given. If not, I do not know what is going to happen to them. |
18/9-2003 |
Female Lizard is moulting skin for the first time, since we got it. |
Our new Lizard is really hungry and eats a lot. That is positive, because then we can assume that she is feeling well in her new home. |
13/9-2003 |
Male Lizard is moulting skin again. |
6/9-2003 |
We got an other Lizard, a female. This one is also a Crotaphytus Collaris, Eastern Collared Lizard. |
25/4-2003 |
Lizard is moulting skin again. |
April 2003 |
Lizard is more shy then he has been previously. That is notable when we want to hold him and have contact with him. Maybe we have not have had so frequently contact with him lately. So now we have some work to do to get him used to be hold in hand, without wanting to run away all the time. |
22/2-2003 |
Lizard is moulting skin again. |
5/12-2002 |
Lizard is moulting skin again. |
18/9-2002 |
Lizard is moulting skin again. |
10/8-2002 |
Lizard is moulting skin, for the second time while we have had him. He changed it completely, except for the tail, within one day. It starts to open from the middle of the body, and the falls off towards head and tail. The head part will be changed within the day and the tail part can take up to a couple of days for changing. |
21/7-2002 |
Lizard measured to be 28-29 cm long, with body about 12 cm. |
Week 27-2002 |
Lizard is moulting skin. |
16/5-2002 |
Finally some Lizards are arrived at Petworld in Viby J. We choose our Lizard between 3 pairs. We had previously decided to have a male, because it is most colorful. |
Winter time |
We are waiting and waiting for the Lizards to arrive. They are having their winter hibernation somewhere in Sweden. |
1/12-2001 |
The terrarium is now finished with light, heat and interior ready for a Lizard to move in. |